README file for sbart2.2b
Created (October 27, 1993), Revised (August 16, 1994),
Revised (July 10, 1996), Revised (September 6, 1996),
Revised (December 23, 1996)
Click here
to go to the sbart Home Page.
This program named sbart is a design support system to create
an interesting 2-D CG image based on artificial selection,
which was originally proposed as Artificial Evolution
by Mr. Karl Sims at Thinking Machines Co.
Please refer to following papers.
- Karl Sims, Artificial Evolution for Computer Graphics,
Computer Graphics, Vol.25, No.4, pp.319-328 (July 1991)
- Tatsuo Unemi, Simulated Breeding and its Applications,
Textbook for the Seminar "Exploring new extension
on Genetic Algorithms, Neural Nets and Fuzzy,"
Institute for System, Control and Information Engineers,
pp.101-110 (September and October 1993) (in Japanese)
- Tatsuo Unemi, The World of Arts that Artificial Life Creates,
in T. Shibata and T. Fukuda (eds), Near Future of
Artificial Life, Jiji-tsuushin-sha, 69-86, 1994 (in Japanese)
This is a freeware that you can freely copy and modify in any
manner you want except for commercial purposes. If you'd like to
use this program for any commercial purpose, please contact
the following person.
Tatsuo UNEMI (Prof.)
Department of Information Systems Science, Soka University
1-236 Tangi-cho, Hachioji, 192 Tokyo, Japan.
Tel: +81-426-91-9429/9400, Fax: +81-426-91-9325
Email: [email protected]
The copyright of the picture by this program belongs who operates this
system to breed it.
Facility requirements
UNIX workstation with X Window System, Motif library and color display.
I certified that sbart works well on the following machines, so far.
- HP Apollo 9000 HP-UX 9.05, X11R5, Motif 1.2
- SunSPARCStation Soralis 2.5, X11R6, Motif 1.2
- JCC JP4 PReP BSD 4.4+, X11R5, Motif 1.2
- PC i586 Linux 2.0, XFree86 (X11R6), Moo-TIFF (Motif 2.0)
Both the eight bits pseudo-color and the 8, 16, and 24 bits true color displays
are supported, but more than eight bits true color is strongly recommended.
Whole source codes are written in C language referring to Xlib and Motif
library, so your system has to include C, Xlib and Motif development kits
for installation from the source code.
This software is based in part on the work of
the Independent JPEG Group, that is, it also links
JPEG6 library,
if exists, to support saving image into JPEG file.
How to install
- Extract source files from the archive.
% zcat sbart2.2b.tar.gz | tar xf -
- Compile and Link to make the executable module with a suitable
description file for your system. Edit "
if your JPEG6 header files and library are not located under
and /usr/local/lib/jpeg6
befor invoke Compile.csh
The function to save an image into JPEG file is omitted if
the library could not be found.
% cd sbarttc
% Compile.csh
- Move the executable module, manual page and help file to a suitable
directory if you want to do so.
% mv sbart /usr/local/bin/sbart
% mv /usr/local/man/man1/sbart.1
% mkdir -p /usr/local/lib/sbart
% mv /usr/local/lib/sbart
- Remove the working directory if you want to do so.
% cd ..; rm -rf sbarttc
How to use
Enter the following command to see a sample images.
% sbart Album
See manual page included in
for detail. The Help button also helps you to see the manual page.