SBART 2.4 PPC b3 : What's new?
- Bug on saving genome information of the field was fixed.
- On movie window ...
- Each movie is displayed on each window separated from
the control panel to set up the parameters of the movie.
- Bug for QuickTime 4.1 was fixed.
- The algorithm to generate the sound changed.
- You can select one of five different cyclic modes.
SBART 2.4 PPC b2 : What's new?
(Last modified: December 8, 1999)
- The function of clicking an individual in a field window was changed
so as to add it as a selected parent,
just as shift+click in the previous version.
- On movie window ...
- Bug of 256 colors and grayscale mode was fixed.
- A new option to make a cyclic movie was added.
- Compression method for sound can be changed.
You can also switch the number of channels, that is, stereo or monoral.
- "Save" and "Save as ..." commands are going to save the parameters
into a file with the genome information, but not QuickTime movie.
This file can be open as a movie window in the future invokation of SBART.
Click "Create movie file" button to save the movie into a QuickTime movie file.
- "Open ..." command in the "File" menu can open a file of movie parameters
with a new movie window.
- You can operate on the external image window from the keyboard.
"Return" key inserts a new image, "delete" key removes the selected image,
and left and right arrow keys move the selection.
SBART 2.4 PPC b1 : What's new?
(Last modified: September 6, 1999)
- Up to four external image data can be loaded as "Base image."
function was modified as it produces colors via
a type of parametric blend among the pixels in exteral images.
- The depth of screen pixels is forced to be 24 (millions) or 15
(thousands) when it was less than 15 at the start time.
SBART 2.3 PPC b5 : What's new?
(Last modified: March 11, 1999)
- Bug in "Save as ..." command in the zoom window was fixed.
- Control+click on a field window also invokes the individual menu.
- Any of field, zoom, movie, and gedit windows appears as the front
most window by selecting a lower item the window menu.
- Constant value of gedit operation can increase/decrease by clicking
the small arrow button at the right side of the digits editable text.
- Zoom window also has the zoom menu, just like the individual menu
on the field window.
- File selection boxes are changed so as to use Navigation Services
if available (MacOS 8.5).
- Some key maps for menu items were added (MacOS 8.x).
- The item "Copy Window" in the edit menu were removed,
since Shift+Command+4 can also realize the similar function.
- The folder for temporary files, such as movie file, changed
to the forlder of "temporary items" in the system disk.
Last modified: November 4, 2000
by Tatsuo UNEMI. ([email protected])