SBART 2.4 PPC b3 : What's new?

  1. Bug on saving genome information of the field was fixed.
  2. On movie window ...

SBART 2.4 PPC b2 : What's new? (Last modified: December 8, 1999)

  1. The function of clicking an individual in a field window was changed so as to add it as a selected parent, just as shift+click in the previous version.
  2. On movie window ...
  3. You can operate on the external image window from the keyboard. "Return" key inserts a new image, "delete" key removes the selected image, and left and right arrow keys move the selection.

SBART 2.4 PPC b1 : What's new? (Last modified: September 6, 1999)

  1. Up to four external image data can be loaded as "Base image." The image function was modified as it produces colors via a type of parametric blend among the pixels in exteral images.
  2. The depth of screen pixels is forced to be 24 (millions) or 15 (thousands) when it was less than 15 at the start time.

SBART 2.3 PPC b5 : What's new? (Last modified: March 11, 1999)

  1. Bug in "Save as ..." command in the zoom window was fixed.
  2. Control+click on a field window also invokes the individual menu.
  3. Any of field, zoom, movie, and gedit windows appears as the front most window by selecting a lower item the window menu.
  4. Constant value of gedit operation can increase/decrease by clicking the small arrow button at the right side of the digits editable text.
  5. Zoom window also has the zoom menu, just like the individual menu on the field window.
  6. File selection boxes are changed so as to use Navigation Services if available (MacOS 8.5).
  7. Some key maps for menu items were added (MacOS 8.x).
  8. The item "Copy Window" in the edit menu were removed, since Shift+Command+4 can also realize the similar function.
  9. The folder for temporary files, such as movie file, changed to the forlder of "temporary items" in the system disk.

Last modified: November 4, 2000
by Tatsuo UNEMI. ([email protected])