SBART 2.4 PPC b3 Quick Reference

sbart - Interactive art using Artificial Evolution.
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This application program is a design support system to create an interesting 2-D CG image based on artificial selection, which was originally proposed as Artificial Evolution by Mr. Karl Sims at Thinking Machines Co.

One field window appears on the screen when you invoke sbart, that includes twenty subwindows showing individual images of the initial population. You can breed images on this window by mouse and menu operations.

You can display each image of individual on a larger, arbitrary size of, zoom window by which you can print it with your printer, can save it as a PICT/JPEG image file, and can copy it into the clipboard to paste it for another application.

The movie window enables you to make a short movie of a individual image including time parameter. The edit gene window allows you to edit an individual's genetic code directly by copy, paste, swap, and replace operations. The gene configuration window allows you to switch on/off whether each of function seeds is a candidate element of mutation or not. The base image window provides the source for the function named image to deform some other images in a file or clipboard.



Tatsuo Unemi at Soka University wrote this program. The original idea of Artificial Evolution was proposed by Mr. Karl Sims.


Last modified: December 7, 1999
by Tatsuo UNEMI. ([email protected])