SBART 2.4 PPC b3 Quick Reference
sbart - Interactive art using Artificial Evolution.
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This application program is a design support system to create an interesting 2-D
CG image based on artificial selection, which was originally proposed
as Artificial Evolution by Mr. Karl Sims at Thinking Machines Co.
One field window appears on the screen when you invoke
sbart, that includes twenty subwindows showing individual images of
the initial population. You can breed images on this window by mouse and menu operations.
You can display each image of individual on a larger, arbitrary size of,
zoom window by which you can print it with your printer, can
save it as a PICT/JPEG image file, and can copy it into the clipboard to paste it
for another application.
The movie window enables you to make a short movie of a individual
image including time parameter. The edit gene window allows you to
edit an individual's genetic code directly by copy, paste, swap, and
replace operations.
The gene configuration window allows you to switch
on/off whether each of function seeds is a candidate element of
mutation or not. The base image window provides the source for the
function named image to deform some other images in a file or clipboard.
- Field window
- NEXT GENERATION BUTTON placed at the upper right corner of each
field window is used to proceed into the next generation.
- this button replaces the individuals in the current field into
the offsprings.
- new button spawns a new field window initialized by
offsprings of the selected individuals.
- Single click
switches its selection as a parent for next generation. The
selected individuals are indexed by red border.
This is a toggle operation, that is, you can turn off the selection by
clicking on a selected individual.
- Double click
selects it as only one predecessor for next generation, and
spawn descendants in the field. The selected individual
remains in the field without mutation.
- Dragging
copys it into a drop site. Subwindows in field, zoom window
and movie window are registered as drop sites. View-window
of edit gene window can also provide drag source just like
a subwindow in field window.
- Pressing mouse button longer than 1/2 seconds and
Single click during pressing Control key invokes
individual menu to manipulate
the pointed individual.
- New spawns a new field window initialized by random individuals.
- Open spawns new window for existing file of sbart genes
and movie information.
- Save saves genomes into the file.
- Save as ... saves genomes info the new file.
- Reload loads genomes again from the file.
- Reset initializes all of non-protected individuals by random genes.
- Close closes the field window.
- Quit quits this program.
- Undo returns to previous status.
- Copy copys the genomes of selected individuals into the
gene buffer, and copys the PICT image of the primary selected individual
into the clipboard. The clipboard is shared among applications. However, the gene
buffer is shared only by field windows of sbart,
but not among any other applications. This means it is not of the Finder,
but the private buffer of sbart.
- Paste pastes the genome in the gene buffer into the selected individuals.
- Swap swaps the genome in the gene buffer and the selected individuals.
- Protect switchs on/off protection for all of the selected individuals.
The individuals both selected and protected are indexed by magenta borders.
Protected but not selected one is indexed by blue borders.
- Select all selects all of individuals in the window.
- Next moves to the next generation in this field.
- Mutate spawns a mutant of the selected individuals.
- Rotate exchanges X and Y of the selected individuals.
- Image replaces the selected individuals into the base image.
- Config Gene appears/disappears the gene configuration window that is to
switch on/off the built-in functions as allele.
- Base Image appears/disappears the base-image window that is to load and
view a base image. Base image provides the source of the
function image. This means you can deform any image in another file.
- Edit gene spawns gene-edit windows of the selected individuals.
- Zoom spawns zoom windows of the selected individuals.
- Movie spawns movie windows of the selected individuals.
- Show genome shows expression of genome on the text window
for selected individuals.
- Show all genome shows expression of genome on the text window
for all of individuals.
- Tile mode on switches drawing mode whether tile mode or normal mode.
The default mode is normal, that is, the drawn area of individual is of (-h, v)
as upper left corner and (h, -v) as lower right corner where v = 1 if the width is longer
than the height, or h = 1 otherwise.
In the tile mode, each individual is displayed as a seamless tile pattern where
the values fed into the variables in genome are translated via cos(px)
for horizontal and sin(py) for vertical.
- Copy copies the genomes of pointed individual into the gene buffer.
- Paste pastes the genome in the gene buffer into the pointed individual.
- Swap swaps the genome in the gene buffer and the pointed individual.
- Selection ON/OFF switches selection state of the pointed individual.
- Protection ON/OFF switches protection state of the pointed individual.
- Mutate spawns a mutant of the pointed individual.
- Rotate exchanges X and Y of the pointed individual.
- Image replaces the pointed individual into the base image.
- Zoom spawns a zoom window of the pointed individual.
- Movie spawns a movie window of the pointed individual.
- Edit gene spawns an edit gene window of the pointed individual.
- Show genome shows expression of genome on the text window for
the pointed individual.
- Edit gene window
You can edit each inidividual genetic code using this window.
- REPLACE BUTTON replaces the selected node into a specified seed.
- Save saves editted gene into the field window.
- Close closes the edit gene window.
- Copy copys the selected subtree into the copy buffer. The
selected subtree is a subtree of which top node is selected.
- Paste pastes the tree in the copy buffer to the selected
position. This operation discards the previously selected subtree.
- Swap swap the selected subtree and the tree in the copy buffer.
- Zoom window
The image is redrawn if you resize the window in any size.
- Pressing mouse button longer than 1/2 seconds and
Single click during pressing Control key invokes
zoom menu to manipulate
the zoomed image.
- ZOOM BUTTON in the right part of title bar shows the image of full screen.
Click the mouse button if you want to cancel it while and after drawing.
- GROW BOX at lower right corner of a zoom window is used to resize the window.
- Dragging sets new size of window arbitrarily.
- Single click shows a dialog by which you can specify the new size by
key input.
- Save as ... saves the image in PICT/JPEG format.
- Print ... prints the image. You can select the resolution of printing
in a print job dialog box that appears after you select this menu item.
- Close closes the zoom window.
- Copy copies the PICT image into the clipboard. You can paste it into
any document of another application.
- Zoom shows the image of full screen in the same manner as
ZOOM BUTTON described above.
- Movie spawns a movie window of the genome of zoomed image.
- Show genome shows expression of genome on the text window
for zoomed image.
- Copy copies the PICT image into the clipboard. You can paste it into
any document of another application.
- Save as ... saves the image in PICT/JPEG format.
- Print ... prints the image. You can select the resolution of printing
in a print job dialog box that appears after you select this menu item.
- Movie spawns a movie window of the genome of zoomed image.
- Show genome shows expression of genome on the text window
for zoomed image.
- Movie window
Builds and Plays a short animation with time variable.
- You can change the start value and the range of time variable, length of playing
duration, compression methods for movie and sound, and so on.
Sbart starts remaking the movie when you click the Apply button.
- Create movie file button creates a movie file of QuickTime format.
- Save as ... saves the parameter information into a file.
- Close closes the movie window.
- Copy copys the movie into the clipboard. You can paste it into
any document of another application such as MoviePlayer.
- Gene configuration window
Switches on/off each of seed functions whether it is a candidate element
of mutant or not. The current set of seed functions consists of uniary
functions: -, abs, sign, sin, cos, log, exp, sqrt, image, and binary
unctions: +, -, *, /, pow, hypot, max, min, and, mdist, mix.
- Base image window
Load and view the base images that provide the source of the uniary function
named image. As the new function from the version 2.4, sbart can
load up to four images simultaneously. The image function calculates
the color vector for each pixel by making a combination of registered image data.
This means that you can create a type of collage of source images.
If the clipboard includes PICT data, sbart
shows a dialog box to certify whether the PICT data in the clipboard should be
a base image or not. If you give an answer "No" or the current clipboard
doesn't include any PICT data, sbart tends to load image data from a file.
You can load it from a file in any format that MacOS can translate into PICT format.
Tatsuo Unemi at Soka University wrote this program. The original idea
of Artificial Evolution was proposed by Mr. Karl Sims.
- Karl Sims, Artificial Evolution for Computer Graphics, Computer
Graphics, Vol.25, No.4, pp.319-328 (July 1991)
- Tatsuo Unemi, Simulated Breeding and its Applications, Textbook for
the Seminar "Exploring new extension on Genetic Algorithms, Neural
Nets and Fuzzy," Institute for System, Control and Information
Engineers, pp.101-110 (September and October 1993) in Japanese.
- Tatsuo Unemi, The World of Arts that Artificial Life Creates,
in T. Shibata and T. Fukuda (eds), Near Future of Artificial Life,
Jiji-tsuushin-sha, 69-86, 1994 (in Japanese)
- Tatsuo Unemi, A Design of Multi-Field User Interface for Simulated Breeding,
Proceedings of the third Asian Fuzzy Systems Symposium, 489-494 (1998)
- Tatsuo Unemi, SBART2.4: Breeding 2D CG Images and Movies and Creating
a type of Collage, Proceedings of the third International Conference on
Knowledge-based Intelligent Information Engineering Systems, 288-291 (1999)
Last modified: December 7, 1999
by Tatsuo UNEMI. ([email protected])